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Welcome to FiveHumans' blog!

FiveHumans is a company with the self appointed task of curing ignorance through hip, fashionable clothing. Our t-shirts are created to raise awareness in bold style and provide all humans an opportunity to showcase their devotion towards spearheading change.

FiveHumans launched in October 2007 and offers t-shirts dedicated to autism, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and asthma.

10% of the sale price of each shirt sold will be donated to the related non-profit.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

24 million Americans have diabetes

The government has released new estimates stating that nearly 24 million humans in the US have diabetes, an increase of more than 3 million in two years. This means that about 8% of the US population is affected and up to 95% of that is type-2 diabetes which is linked with obesity, poor diet and a lack of exercise (National Institutes of Health).

Up to 25% of people do not know they have diabetes which is why it is imperative that educate and inform other humans so they can get the proper treatment.

It is the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States.

Risk factors for Type-2 diabetes:
  1. Obesity
  2. Poor diet
  3. Sedentary lifestyle
  4. Increased age - 21% of people over 60 have diabetes
  5. Family history - Diabetes tends to run in families
  6. Ethnicity - Diabetes is more common in the African-American, Native American, Latino, Pacific Islander and Asian-American populations
  7. History of metabolic syndrome
  8. History of gestational diabetes
Symptoms of Type-2 diabetes
  1. Frequent urination
  2. Increased thirst
  3. Unplanned weight loss
  4. Weakness and fatigue
  5. Numbness or tingling in hands, legs or feet
  6. Blurred vision
  7. Dry, itchy skin
  8. Frequent infections
  9. Slow healing of cuts and bruises